Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Angie's 2009 "To Do" List ~ Progress Update



1. the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable

2. responsibility to someone or for some activity

Another month has passed and it's time to see where I am in relation to my "to do" list for this year. Let's get started.
1. Getting a working budget implemented: Dave Ramsey is a life saver! The zero budget worked so well for February that I went ahead and finished budgets for the rest of the year. Yes, I'm an accountant. I love spreadsheets and I'm not afraid to admit it.
2. Eliminate our debt: March is the month that we begin the debt snowball. Based on the budgets for the rest of the year, we should make significant progress on this goal by the end of the year.

3. Finish the Patten Chapel cross stitch: Yeah, so this is still sitting in the top of my closet. I'm going to pull it down this week and hope to get a jumpstart on getting a section finished by the end of this month.
4. Start & finish the Bambi cross stitch for Little A: Little A actually told me that she didn't want a Bambi cross stitch. (sniffle, sniffle) So, I'm going to pull my Disney patterns out and let her choose a different one. By the end of this month, I'll have the materials pulled together for it and the project started.

5. Weight loss and size 6 by December 1: I'm giving myself a goal of losing 12 lbs by the end of this month. Last month, I didn't lose any, but I didn't gain. Sigh.

6. Implement date night once a month with hubby: We made it out for a brief Valentine's appetizer & dessert evening, but not a full fledged date night in February. Hopefully March will be better.

7. Significant progress on my novel and blogging regularly: The novel is still at a stand still, mostly because I've been really busy with other things. I've been blogging regularly, but want to do better about keeping my reader up to date.

8. Finish decluttering the house: February was a disaster in this area. This month, I need to finish clearing out the master bedroom and clear out the kids rooms. Their rooms are OUT.OF.CONTROL.

9. Get the scrapbooks up to date: I actually went to 2 scrapbooking events in February and am making significant progress on the scrapbooks. Yippee! I need to get 2009 pics uploaded to Shutterfly this month and continue working on the family albums.

And for those of you still with me, thank you for reading all of my drivel. Crossing my fingers that March is a big month of checking off goals as completed!


Michelle said...

Go Angie! Just remember that 12 pounds by the end of this month is 3 pounds a week which is... on the way high end of the bell curve. 1-2 pounds is considered normal/safe/healthy/whatever you want to call it. Just a thought.

And I'm with you on the spreadsheet. You should see some of mine!

Reillybug said...


I just joined WW online, much easier than having to go to a place an check in. I really like it. Good luck and don't push it too much!

Smoochiefrog said...

Trust me girl, Dave Ramsey's system works!

If it makes you feel any better, I've got a cross stitch I've been working on since 1997. Nope, it's still not finished. :)

Lula! said...

I've no weight and I cannot figure out why.

Dangit, I forget to get Peanut M&Ms at the store this morning. Wait, there's the Hot & Spicy Cheez-Its.

Angela said...

Awesome progress! I may borrow this idea to help keep me accountable too!

And I'm with you - and Lula - on the weight loss. Let's work on this together. I have been doing great about workouts, but chocolates and more chocolates are making a regular appearance in my office, home and grocery basket. Then in my stomach. Then ON my butt.

Shannon said...

I need to get on the ball and do something about my weight.

Somehow, I don't think feasting on pancakes, bacon, biscuits and hashbrown casserole is going to help...

Oh, well! See you in the morning!


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