As I announced last week, summer has arrived. {huge sigh} Now that I don't have my enormous repertoire of t.v. shows to keep me from doing anything productive, I have to turn to other means of entertainment. Bring on the books and movies! Here's a recap of what I've done over the last week (or so).
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer - Ok, YES LULA, I just now read the book. Do you forgive me? Moving on. I am officially sucked in to the whole Twilight series. I am anxiously awaiting Shannon to let me borrow her copy of Eclipse so I can continue on with my deepening obsession with Edward Cullen. And for anyone who's interested, no, I haven't heard from Rob...yet.
Pretty in Plaid by Jen Lancaster - OMG, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE JEN LANCASTER! This was not my favorite of her 4 books, but it still had the wonderfully sarcastic wit that I so love about her. She brings humor to the oddest things and can remember stories with such rich detail that I am just in awe of her storytelling abilities. This particular book recounts stories from her childhood and how particular items of clothing played a huge part in her life.
Wanted - Oh James, I haven't forgotten you. This incredibly violent film includes 2 of the coolest scenes that I've ever seen (1 with a car and 1 with a bullet). If you can stomach it, check this film out. Great cast and hello, James McAvoy. 'Nuf said.
Pineapple Express - Clearly I came into this movie with too high expectations. James Franco was hilarious and Seth Rogen had a few great lines. And there was a really funny car chase scene. Yeah, that's about it. I was bored throughout most of this one, which was incredibly disappointing.
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist - I love Michael Cera. That kid is just too cute for words and his dry delivery of lines is the stuff of magic. This movie had more highlights than lowlights and a cool soundtrack. I would recommend it.
Ghost Town - Ricky Gervais is comic genius. And I didn't go into this flick with a huge load of high expectations. Maybe that's why I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it. It had a lot of predictable situations, but a lot of the dialogue was great and hello, Ricky Gervais. I would recommend this one also.
Tune in next Tuesday for another installment of my summer series!
I will get Eclipse to you soon.
I just started Such a Pretty Fat last night.
I love James McAvoy.
I LOVE James Franco.
Michael Cera is totes adorbs.
The very definition of comedic genius is "Ricky Gervais".
The end.
I don't know how anyone read Twilight without IMMEDIATELY reading the next 3 have more willpower than I do.
I've been on the hunt for some good reads the last two weeks so I will have Jen to my list.
I have not read Jen Lancaster yet. Do you read her blog?
And I was also pleasantly surprised by Ghost Town. I wonder if I can convince my husband to take me to the movies this week while the kiddos are gone...
Man I am so out of it I don't even recognize half the people you're talking about, LOL!!!
Maybe I need to get out more!
I will put Jen Lancaster on my to do book list!
Slacker, I read them all back to back after you mentioned it... new moon wasn't my favorite the first time through. I read it again after reading them all and thought it was much better. Great emotional porn! Enjoy!
It's amazing how you get sucked in, isn't it? And don't forget there's a couple hundred pages of an unpublished book on her website, too!
Ghost Town was pretty decent, wasn't it? It's the only movie I've seen since ummm last spring. It was at our $5 theater and the only show one night when I suddenly decided I wanted to go see a movie. I definitely enjoyed it (and yes, low expectations help!)
I was going to buy Jen's new book since I have the other 3. Then saw it was hardback and $24 OUCH. Think I'll wait until it comes up on my used book site.
Ok and don't forget the new Janet Evanovich is out in a couple of weeks!
Saw My Life In Ruins on Monday - not bad, not very heavy and the new Greek guy is definitely worth watching.
Going to see The Proposal this weekend. Can't wait!
I read the 1st three in 3 days...boom-boom-boom. Couldn't put them down. GET THEE TO SHANNON'S. And get Eclipse AND Breaking Dawn at the same time.
I love Jen Lancaster...can't wait to read her newest. I loved Bitter is the New Black.
That one scene in Nick and Norah...with her drunkie the subway (or train station, whatever)...with the gum...and the toilet...
GROSSER THAN GROSS. But that one scene...with Nick and the recording studio...well...that was just sexy.
Loved Wanted. LOVED it so bad. Loved the bullet scene. More than anything though, I loved the soundtrack. Go download "The Little Things" by Danny Elfman. Now. You'll thank me.
Pineapple Express came in the mail today--via Netflix. We'll see...
I adore Greg Kinnear, and have since he was the host of Talk Soup, a bojillion years ago. I must watch Ghost Town. Yes. I must.
First, I agree with Lula. Make sure you go ahead and get Breaking Dawn, because you will NOT want to wait for it to come out in paperback. I don't think even you are that strong, woman! LOL!
Second, remind me and I will send you my playlists for NM and Eclipse.
And you haven't even BEGUN to be in love with Edward yet. Promise!!!
Girl, you better have those books read by November.
That's all I'm sayin'.
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