Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not by the hair of my...

I've spent many years being regaled with the stories of this store called Sephora. How it's the mecca for all things beauty and someplace that I "NEED" to visit. So, on a trip to Atlanta recently, I finally made it into one of these stores. And things were going quite well. I found the Philosophy product line and picked out some yummy Pumpkin Spice Muffin body wash. (Yes, it smells good enough to eat. No, I didn't taste any.) I made my way to the register and was delighted to be helped by this wonderful sales associate. And I was further excited to see that she grabbed a handful of product samples and threw them into my bag before bidding me farewell for the day.
I made my way home and was unpacking my wares when I came across this product sample. And I audibly gasped.

Let's see here, where shall I begin.
1. I'm 33 and wouldn't exactly say that I have jiggly jowls just yet.
2. I know I'm fat and I don't appreciate the reminder from the even FATTER sales associate.
3. A liquid bra for my "v-zone"? I don't think so. I'm not even sure they know where the v-zone is.
4. It's going to take a whole lot more than what's in this packet to get rid of my double chin.
And this, my friends, is how my first (and last) trip to Sephora went.


Unknown said...

Want me to go in and whack some Sephora knee-caps when I'm in Atlanta next?

I would for you

That's how I roll.

Michelle said...

Now now... did the associate actually LOOK at what samples she was tossing your way or was it a random handful? Because honestly, I could go for some of my double chin disappearing :) Actually, I'd be good with it ALL disappearing. And now I have to google liquid bra. Thanks ;)

Kori said...

I'm rolling with Lizzy. We will so take her out.

And I hope you remember my thoughts on this whole V~zone issue. lol

CrystalChick said...

I was just reading a blog last month that said Nars has a line at Sephora called 'Orgasm'. Different cosmetics like blush, lip gloss, and nail polish. So I wonder what samples they'de have given you if you walked in an asked for those products?
Just saying... give it another try and this time ask for the Big O. ;)

Brandy said...

No need letting it go to waste...you can send it to me! I'm not above rhyming-named products to get rid of my double chin.

Wonder if it will work on all parts of my body? A "liquid bra" sounds like a good idea for quite a few areas.

Shannon said...

You gotta wonder about a product that says "for jiggly jowls and droopy decolletes" right on the package...

Angela said...

I'm with Shannon on this. Who actually puts that kind of language on their product packaging? I don't think I've ever seen such a graceless description of body parts on ANY packaging, EVER.

I can't believe she threw that in your package. Even by accident. And I'm seriously wondering where Sephora gets its marketing executives. Scary, scary thought!

Reillybug said...

I will not be shopping there, that's for sure. You should write them a letter.

Jane In The Jungle said...

I'm with Shannon too. They really must make loads of money to be able to put that on labels and get away with it. But then I'm wondering about the buyers!! Makes ya wanna camp out with a camera!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

If only we could really get rid of our double chins this way. Somehow...I don't think it's going to work. And if they are really going to market this product...you would think that they would use "prettier" language on the packaging.

Lula! said...

NO NO NO! I use this...couldn't you tell when you saw me week before last?

Seriously, I do use this product...even though it costs a bojillion dollars. It works.

And Sephora is the Mother Ship to me. I'm actually going to post about it soon. You must make up with her--and all will be right with my world. You and me and Sephora, dancing through fields of daisies. Amen.

Jennifer said...


i'm not even sure what the heck to say. that is unreal.

although to be fair, i think maybe it was just what was there, and not anything you should take personal.

i love sephora, and have gotten samples before, but only a few here or there, and they are mostly make up or perfume.

you know you can totally avoid the fat and obnoxious sales bitch by ordering online. and they send you great coupons and deals via email. :)

hope you aren't mad any more! :)


Rhea said...

I'm so confused by this product...


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