Sunday, August 31, 2008
Spot's Sunday Entertainment Roundup
As I've mentioned many times here, I am a HUGE fan of tv & movies. I'm picking up books again too, so add another category to the list. LOL! My plan here is to mention some of my favorites of the past week that will either save you some time in the video store and clue you in on a gem you might not know about. And without further ado...
The Movie Roundup
1. Vantage Point - If you liked Memento, you'll probably like this. If you didn't, save your time.
2. Cake - Cute flick with Heather Graham and Sandra Oh. Bad language alert if you're easily offended.
3. The 40 Yr Old Virgin - I think I was the only person on this earth who hadn't seen this yet. I loved it. Steve Carell is comic genius.
4. Juno - Words cannot express how much I loved this movie. I wouldn't recommend it as viewing for anyone under 18 or really irresponsible, but anyone else, go for it!
5. In the Valley of Elah - Wow! Great film. I love Tommy Lee Jones and he's great in this along with Charlize Theron.
6. Rendition - There's a good reason why this one went straight to DVD. It's not a total stinker, but I would only recommend it if you REALLY love Reese Witherspoon or Jake Gyllenhaal and have about 2 hours to kill.
7. Election - Speaking of Reese, this is one of her earlier films. Man, that girl can act. This film is pretty funny and Matthew Broderick plays a character that I just find hysterically funny.
8. Penelope - This is a cute film that stars my future hubby, James McAvoy. And he looks mighty fine in it. Great acting by Christina Ricci also!
9. Starter for Ten - Ok, I wasn't kidding a while back when I said that every James McAvoy film was in my queue. This is another one of his. It's a brit film (which I tend to love anyway) and the soundtrack is PERFECTION. For anyone who loves late 80's brit rock (i.e. The Smiths, The Cure) then the soundtrack alone is worth checking this film out.
10. Mamma Mia! - Who knew Meryl Streep & Pierce Brosnan could sing? This flick was great and I have been singing ABBA's greatest hits all week. My thanks to Shannon for laughing along with me!
The T.V. Roundup
1. Big Love - After reading many things about this series, I finally Netflix'd it and am so glad I did. I'm a big Bill Paxton fan and he doesn't disappoint in this series. The whole polygamy thing is kind of lampooned in this show, which makes it very entertaining. I've only seen the first 2 episodes of season 1 (because Netflix screwed me over on shipping this week), but I'm hoping to catch up this week.
2. Max & Ruby - For any preschoolers reading this week, I've seen many episodes of this cute little show on Noggin and I highly recommend it. There are now more eppy's of this on my DVR than 90210. Yep, I'm officially a mom.
The Book Roundup
1. Bright Lights, Big Ass by Jen Lancaster - I'm halfway through this book and I have yet to stop laughing. Hubby seriously cannot believe the tear-induced laughter that happens every time I open up this book. So far, I highly recommend it!
2. Tempted by Megan Hart - Warning, this book REQUIRES an NC-17 rating. I've read some racy stuff in my years, but this one takes the cake. I'm only a few chapters in, but it's a pretty good story line mixed with a lot of memorable scenes. Hey, I don't party anymore and I've been married for almost 12 years now. I have license to enjoy some racy reading every now and then. Ha ha.
And there you have it! Join me next week for a smaller roundup (since I'm not catching up 4 weeks worth of info). And join me in giving a resounding "Hooray" that the fall television season is almost here. Only a few more weeks until I get my weekly McDreamy fix. Yum!
And the Winners are...
I let do some random number picking for me. We had 82 entries and the winners are...
The $25 Giftcard goes to comment #13 who is: Kat from Sunshine & Lemonade!!! She also wins the award for most persistent commenter. Luv ya Kat!
The Rachael Ray cookbook goes to comment #30 who is: CrystalChick from Mary Says...!!
Both winners have been contacted, but if they do not respond within 48 hours, then a new winner will be chosen if necessary. Congrats to everyone and thanks so much to all who entered and who continue to come back!
And I will be doing another giveaway later this Fall, so make sure you come back for info on it. Thanks!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Friday's Foto Finish Fiesta - Angie's Birthday Recap
Ok, I'm seriously just kidding. My birthdays have never really been a big deal because my family really never made a big deal about it. So, I now overcompensate BIG TIME with my kids because I want them to feel important on their day each year. But, that's a post for another day.
Hubby bought me a cookie cake on my actual bday last week and presented it to me after I had a REALLY bad day. Have I ever mentioned my love affair with the Great American Cookie Company? Oh my. It's bad. So bad, that the cake you see below was mostly inhaled by yours truly. Which would explain why my pants are tighter this week. Bleh. Here's me being presented my cake. Yes, those are Mickey Mouse ears on my head.

I'm just thankful that hubby opted for the single digit candles. We would've visited fire danger territory if he had gone another direction. Did I mention how yummy the cake was?
So, last Friday, hubby surprised me with an appointment at my fave local day spa. I was pampered with a massage and other services. It was heavenly. And then he took me out to dinner at a local fave restaurant. It was yummy Italian, followed by ice cream at Coldstone Creamery. (This could also be a contributor to my pants issue this week) We ended the night at a local arcade where hubby kicked my arse at basketball and air hockey. The air hockey was a rematch from last year where I whipped up on him pretty badly. And suffered a pretty nasty cut and bruise on my arm for getting just a bit too wrapped up in my level of play. Did I mention I'm a wee bit competitive? And a sore loser?
It was a lovely birthday! And just for the record, I'm still holding out for a surprise party. Just one. Before I die. Please.
Now, go check out Candid Carrie for more Fx4 entries for this week!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
School Daze
*I'm prefacing this by saying that I've worked on this entry for a week now and I've HAD IT. Blogger formatting SUCKS. Ok, let's move on.
After reading all the "first day of school" posts last week, I am finally throwing mine into the hat. Both of my girls go to preschool and it's curriculum based, so they're learning far more there, than they do sitting at home watching me blog all day long. Ok, maybe not ALL day long. They do still nap sometimes.
Anyway, here are the first day pics for you to enjoy. This is of course, more about the outfit selection than anything.
Here's Little A on her very first day of preschool. She was so excited! She's been wanting to go ever since we dropped off Big A for her first day last year. She even picked out this adorable dress from the sale rack at Gap Kids. See, I am teaching them a useful skill. Discount shopping.
Here's Big A in her adorable polka dot dress (again from the Gap Kids sale aisle). She's VERY excited to be starting back to school.
My girls together. Do you know that people ask me ALL the time if they are twins? Sometimes I feel like I'm on an episode of Little People, Big World. If you've seen the show, you'll know what I'm alluding to. If not, explaining it would cancel out the humor of it.
Here's Little A in front of her school. What, you mean she's in a different outfit? Oh my, you're right! You see, I got them all dressed up on the first day for what turned out to be me filling out paperwork for an hour while they destroyed 2 classrooms. Ha! That'll teach you to dupe me into not having my first day of freedom without the kids. Oops. Did I say that out loud? Moving on.
This is her ACTUAL first day of school. Where I actually got to leave and go to Starbucks without kids in tow. A whole new experience.
And here's Big A on her REAL first day. Recognize the dress? It made it's debut appearance in this post. See, I did get the green icing out!
I'm happy to report that both girls are having a ball with school and mommy is a little less stressed with her minimal amounts of free time so far. Once phase-in is complete, mommy will have ample opportunity to hit the gym and stop making excuses for never having time to get things done. That is until she takes on 3 new things to do and then wonders why her stress level is off the charts again. Ah, school daze is here!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Angie 3, Best Buy 0
My father & I showed up at my favorite store at 4:30 this afternoon to pick up my new computer. The manager-type that we talked with yesterday informed me that my new computer was in fact, NOT there. Pardon me while I pause with surprise. After seeing my face literally turn beet red, he informs us that he will have this situation rectified in 15 minutes. Alright buddy, my stopwatch says GO! As he runs off to presumably suck his thumb under a table in the breakroom, I decide to take out some aggression on the idiot "working" the Geek Squad desk.
I explain to Thing #1 that I'm going to need a new copy of Microsoft Office Professional since my licensed copy resides on the computer being held hostage. He says no because "it can be installed on 3 computers". Try again dummy. So, he brings over Thing #2 who also tries to feed me this line of bull. After giving these boys a copy of Hooked on Phonics, I finally get them to understand that the package clearly states that only the Student version can be installed on 3 computers. And their response? "Wow, look at that. You're right." Finally, an intelligent answer from these morons. The female manager-type who overhears this conversation pulls rank on Things 1&2 and immediately obtains a new copy of the program for me. Score! Angie 1, Best Buy 0
Then, this rockin' female manager-type sees that my Dad & I have now been sitting in this store for over an hour waiting for my new computer that was supposed to appear in 15 minutes (an hour ago). And first she offers us something to drink. And then she offers copious apologies. And then she gives us a $50 giftcard. Score! Angie 2, Best Buy 0
After waiting for an hour and 40 minutes, my new computer FINALLY appears. And after they do their fancy register tricks, they send us out the door with a brand new (and much better) computer than what I had. Score! Angie 3, Best Buy 0
So, now my beautiful new Sony computer is sitting where my old one used to reside. I'm still mourning the loss of my old Sony, but I know that she'll probably find a new home with some techno-geek that actually knows how to fix her. In the meantime, I think I'll watch a little James McAvoy movie to ease my pain. Yeah, that should do the trick.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Angie vs. Best Buy...Round 2
So, I call my friends at Best Buy this morning to see what the status is on my computer. I thought, for a brief moment, that they might have taken the opportunity to combine their collective brain cell and figure out how to ship my computer to the correct repair center. Wishful thinking. "Tim" informed me that apparently no one in the entire Best Buy empire can fix my computer. Wow, I didn't realize that Sony made a computer THAT complex. Furthermore, if Best Buy knew this, why did they not hesitate to sell us the extended warranty on a machine that they can't repair. Things that make you go "Hmmmm?" Oh wait, you in the back...what's that? They're a bunch of idiots? Now, that wasn't very nice. Possibly true, but not very nice.
And so, upon hearing my head explode, "Tim" decided that he'd better come up with something quick before my hand came through the receiver. He said that he would talk with his store manager and they would figure out some resolution for me. I said "Good idea Tim. And I'll be there at 2pm to take home my resolution. And it had better be a brand new computer."
Tim calls me back an hour later explaining that his store manager has "authorized" him to give me a brand new HP with all the bells & whistles and that this is actually an upgrade from my Sony that I left with them. Really? The only upgrade I'll be accepting for my SONY is a SONY, pal. Is that clear enough for ya? See ya at 2pm, Tim.
Just as I suspected, when I arrive at 2pm, not only has my pal Tim fled the store, but the store manager has fled as well. You mean, they didn't want to deal with my 5'3" frame of Spanish temper in person? Smart guys. However, this is bad news for the backup store manager who gets to deal with me instead.
While my Dad is in the background throwing around terms like "my attorney says" and "questionable business practices" and "reimbursed damages", I very calmly explain to the poor store schlub what's been going on. And he asks me something that I never expected to hear. "What can I do to fix this?" Did I hear this guy right?
I show him a printout from the Best Buy website of a Sony computer comparable to what I had. And he proceeds to track one down at another store and assures me that it will be there tomorrow for me to pickup and take home. So, tune in tomorrow, for what had BETTER be a happy ending to this ridiculous story. Anyone care to lay odds on this turning out the way I hope it will turn out? Yeah, me neither.
A Hair Raising Adventure

Little A wasn't too thrilled with the lady who had to comb out the mega-tangles from her hair. Maybe NOW she'll let me do it the easy way at home.

Big A finally got over her fear of having her hair cut. She was actually jovial during this little event.

Little A was pretty good at following directions. She only moved her head about 100 times, instead of the 150 that she normally would have. Consequently, we have a little uneven line in the back. Oh well.

Check out the length of Big A's hair. CRAZY. She was born with a head full and we have great hair genes in my family. Contrary to popular belief, we do not put Miracle-Gro on our kids hair.

Here's Little A after her trim. That face! She finally has even bangs and pretty even length. She couldn't wait to jump out of that chair.

Big A is getting the final amount of length taken off. We opted for no bangs and only had about 3 inches of length taken off. Just enough to even it all out.

Little A got a gold star for her bravery. Not her listening skills.

Big A got a gold star too, for finally being a big girl and getting that first haircut. We're so proud!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday Morning Eye Candy
It's Monday, so let's get this party started! Here's another edition of Monday Morning Eye Candy. This week I'm bringing you some of my favorite prime-time hotties. Enjoy!

Michael Vartan - He was great on "ALIAS", but my favorite flick of his is "Never Been Kissed". What a cutie!

Dylan McDermott - Smokin! "The Practice" was one of my favorite shows for 1 BIG reason. Any guesses?

Robert Buckley - Does anyone here watch "Lipstick Jungle" on NBC? If not, you might want to start. This guy plays Kirby. Talk about "must see t.v."!

Andrew McCarthy - I fell in love with him during "Pretty in Pink" and fell even harder with "St. Elmo's Fire". Now he's on "Lipstick Jungle" as well. Mmm. Two for the price of one!

Eric Dane - Ok, I'm giving y'all a break from my Patrick Dempsey obsession this week and serving up another Grey's Anatomy hottie. Say hello to McSteamy.
And that concludes this week's cold rag inducing post. Enjoy and come back next week for more goodies! And if you have a request for a future edition of MMEC, please leave it in your comments. Have a great Monday!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
An Open Letter to Best Buy
This is that really angry chick who just hung up on your techno-geek that you apparently thought could "talk me down" by speaking slowly and REALLY condescendingly. Not.a.good.idea.
I accept the fact that you completely lied about the amount of time that you would hold my computer hostage. I really do. However, when you offer me the excuse that you did, in the hopes that I would just grin and keep waiting patiently, well, that's where you were wrong.
You see, I do NOT find "my computer won't let me ship it to the correct facility for repair" as an acceptable reason for your ineptness. I further do not accept that excuse as the reason that my poor, incapacitated computer has been sitting at your store for more than a week now, after it's 2 week trip to the WRONG repair center. Oh yeah, YOUR computer won't let you ship it to the "correct" repair center. I forgot. And the reason that you've had my computer for 3+ weeks now, is because someone 2 hours from here won't fix a glitch in the system, so that you can print a shipping label? Hmm.
I've got it! There's this handy little invention called a pen and paper. You can actually write the CORRECT shipping address on the paper with your pen, so that my computer is shipped to the CORRECT repair center. Better yet, how about I just come pick up my broken computer and drive it down to the CORRECT repair center myself. Maybe that will get the message across that I'm not sitting around for one more day while you idiots get your act together and stop blaming technology for all your laziness. Your thoughts?
Your Raging Mad Customer,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I'm here, I'm here!
In the meantime, here's my peace offering to you. See, I'm looking out for ya.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Birthday Thanksgiving
So, today's my birthday. Woo hoo! I was all set to post about some wonderful gifts that I've received and some hilarious cards, texts and emails that I've gotten, when I decided to go in a different direction.
Today is a lot about me being thankful for the amazing life that I lead. I'm able to be a full time mom to my 2 beautiful girls. I'm able to work from home to help subsidize some of the extras that we participate in. I have a great hubby who continues to surprise me with his thoughtfulness. I have family that can be trying at times, but I can't imagine life without. I also have the most wonderful group of friends (live and online) that a gal could ever hope for. I am truly blessed in many ways!
A couple of my online friends have bestowed some awards to me over the last few weeks and I want to give them some proper shout outs. One in particular gave me an award today that I want to give some special attention to.
First, I want to send a huge THANK YOU to my new buddy Hot Tub Lizzy who gave me the Arte y Pico award and the Brillante Weblog Award! She's the second one who's given me the Arte y Pico award, but this is my first time getting the Brillante Weblog Award. I'm just a little excited! Oh, and here they are in all their glory.

The next award that I received, actually came in today, from my bud Steph. Not that I don't appreciate all awards given to me, but this one in particular really hit me sideways in the emotion department. It was created by a mom whose son was saved from an organ donor. He would've died without the life-saving heart that he received. The story made me cry and I simply love the rules that surround this one. I'm simply to pass it on to other bloggers who inspire me and ones that I want to Share the Love with! So, first let me show you this adorable award.

And now for the list of bloggers that I want to give this award to. Hey, it's my birthday and I'll give away love if I want to. Each of you inspires me, makes me laugh or cry (or both), and makes me happy to be in a circle of bloggers who encourage each other. Thanks for sharing the love with me.
Angela at Hello Dahrlin' - My BFF forever and ever...amen
Tressa at American in Norway - Such a cool gal and friend
Carrie at Candid Carrie - Too many reasons to list why I luv her...I'll start with her humor
Jennifer at Crazy...Life - She's a mom who's crazed, just like me.
Nik at Exceptional Voyage - She's a gal from TN. Who doesn't love that?!
Michelle at Honest & Truly - Participating in the push up challenge alone garners this award.
Holly at June Cleaver Nirvana - I'm one of Holly's biggest fans. I'm just glad she doesn't think I'm weird or anything from all the comments I leave. Or do you, Holly? :-)
Lula! at Lulaville - Another southern belle sista. She & I are like peas and carrots. In a Paula Deen butter cream sauce.
Kelly at Song for Whoever - My thanks to Tressa for introducing us. Kelly is da bomb.
Kat at Sunshine & Lemonade - Anyone who shares my love of trashy reading is a friend for life.
Lizzy at Journey to the Hot Tub - So she can share the love with Mr. B
Rhea at Texas Word Tangle - My first commenter ever and a friend for life now
Shannon at Welcome to the Nut House - Blogging has reignited a great friendship. Woo hoo!
Eleanor at News from Nooga - She needs all the love we can share with her right now.
Ok, I'm cutting it off there because I could literally go on for ages. But, I do plan to issue another list of blogs that I'm sharing this with, because it's just not right to keep this one to myself. So, go share the love with others and hug your loved ones tight. We never know how long we'll have them. Mwah!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Monday Morning Eye Candy
It's Monday, so what time is it? Anyone? (Tap, this thing on?) Oh, THERE you are! Yep, it's Monday Morning Eye Candy! Today's batch of cuties is a blast from the past. It's guys that maybe aren't in their prime now, but once upon a time, I totally found them adorable! Enjoy and please let me know in your comments if you have any requests for upcoming weeks.

Christian Slater - Loved him in Heathers. Loved him in The Legend of Billie Jean. Loved him in Pump Up the Volume. We'll see how his new series on NBC this Fall fares. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Pierce Brosnan - He made me fall in love with James Bond. I refused to watch 007 movies until Goldeneye came out. Totally hot. I also dream fondly of his version of The Thomas Crown Affair.

Harrison Ford - This guy is a true classic. I totally see what Calista Flockhart sees in him, aesthetically anyway. And he's a daredevil. Flying his own helicoptors and such. I still haven't seen this last Indiana Jones, but only because it hasn't come out on DVD yet. I'm lazy.

Adrian Paul - You probably won't know this guy unless you watched the Highlander t.v. series. This guy is totally hot. I miss that show. I need to find it on DVD so I can enjoy the hotness once again.

Sean Bean - Ok, recent news shows that he has an anger management problem, but he's still good looking. Or at least he was several years ago. Loved him in Patriot Games (with Harrison Ford). Loved him in Goldeneye (with Pierce Brosnan). Hmm. I'm seeing a pattern here.
And that concludes this week's issue of MMEC. Hope you enjoyed it and will come back soon. And don't forget to leave me a comment with any cuties that you would like to see featured in upcoming weeks!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
It's giveaway time!
1. The contest begins today, Aug. 17 and ends on Aug. 30.
2. The winners will be announced here sometime on August 31st.
3. The winners will be chosen by Random Drawing.
4. Limit 1 entry per day, per household. (Except a day that you choose the bonus entry option)
5. If you do not have a blog, then you must leave me your email addy in your comment. If I can't contact you via email or your blog, then you will be disqualified.
6. Contest is open to my readers from all over the world.
7. To enter, you must leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite post is of mine. It can be something recent or something way back in the archives of greatness that you've discovered. I'm interested to hear your feedback!
Now, wanna know what you're playing for? Here's the exciting news!

1. First prize is a $25 giftcard to ONE of the following merchants: Barnes & Noble, CVS, Gap, iTunes, LLBean, Macy's, Old Navy, Pier One, Pottery Barn or Starbucks.

2. Second prize is a brand new copy of Rachael Ray's "Yum-O: The Family Cookbook". It's got some great family friendly recipes and some wonderful uses for leftovers that result in yummy meals.
So, take a look around, read some posts and leave a comment on this post telling me what little nugget of blogging brilliance is your top choice. I can't wait to read your comments! Good luck everyone and feel free to tell your friends. Oh yeah, and I'll give you an extra entry if you blog about my contest (and link back to this post) and then come back here and comment that you did that.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Lunchtime Conversation
Me: It was next to the Winnie the Pooh couch.
Big A: You mean the chair?
Me: No, the couch.
Big A: Mommy, that's a chair, not a couch.
Me: No, it's a couch. If it seats more than 1 person, than it's called a couch. The Winnie the Pooh thing in your room seats 1 person, so we call that a chair. Right?
Big A: Right.
Me: And how many people fit on the Winnie the Pooh thing in the living room?
Big A: Two.
Me: So, since it fits 2 people we call it a couch. Or we could call it a sofa too.
Big A: (long pause with her finger on her chin) Or we could call it a chair too.
Me: (hilarious laughter ensues after whacking my head on the table)
Big A: Are you ok mommy? What's so funny?
Me: Nothing honey. Let's just call it a chair.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Danger, Will Robinson

I have developed a pretty serious fear over the last several years. I'm not sure where it manifested from, but I know that it's getting worse. Here's an example.
I attended a home sales party at a friend's house last week. As I'm driving towards her house, I'm enjoying the scenery. The farms, the livestock, the nuclear plant's cooling towers. SCREECH... See Angie. See Angie driving merrily. See Angie having anxiety attack on the side of the road.
Yes, I live rather close to a nuclear power facility. I've grown up listening to the sirens being tested once a month, EVERY month. I've seen the road signs indicating which direction I SHOULD run in, just in case a meltdown occurs. However, if that were to happen, I'm not very optimistic that running in any direction would really help. But I digress.
And so, many have patted my shoulder and tried to comfort my fear of the nuclear plant. Except, that isn't what I'm afraid of. It's the cooling towers. Yes, I'm afraid of 2 large concave structures that are pretty innocuous. I'm not sure why, but I know that upon catching a glimpse of these things, my heart starts to pound, my breathing becomes labored and I need to move in the opposite direction. Quickly.
As a friend pointed out to me yesterday, it's really the 2 domed buildings NEXT to the cooling towers that I SHOULD be afraid of. You know, the buildings that actually house the nuclear material. But, they don't even put a blip on my screen. ???
I was hoping to take a step towards dealing with my fear by putting a picture of a cooling tower on this entry. However, when I almost passed out just looking at Google Images, I decided against the picture. See, I told you this was bad.
And so, I ask, do you have an unnatural fear about anything? Something that makes people look at you strangely when you tell them about it?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
So, before I start singing "Cat's in the Cradle", let's lighten things up here. First, I made mention of a little giveaway that I'm brewing. It's going to be cool and announced here on Sunday, so stay tuned!
Second, I love lists and I love gifts, so I REALLY love it when I can combine the 2. And so, I bring you:
*And this is in NO WAY meant to be a hint dropper. It's just fun and I was running short on fab blogging ideas.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Fun at the Children's Museum
And it took about 2.5 seconds for the girls to find SOMETHING to fight about. This argument was over how much mail volume each girl had. Geez.
After exploring all that Birdwell Island had to offer, we moved downstairs to the permanent exhibits. Here, Big A channels her inner paleontologist.
And Little A tries not to fall over from the enormous hat that I made her wear for this pic.
After exploring many rooms, dealing with some pushy brats (others kids, not mine) and making it out of the gift shop without needing an installment loan, we headed home and marked this outing a success. Big A is already planning our return trip. You know, because we only came home with 1 of the licensed character plush. She simply MUST have the others in the collection. I don't know where this "collector" mentality of hers comes from. Ahem.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Hermit
Suddenly, I had 200+ channels at my disposal. Oh, be still my pounding heart! I no longer have to dream of watching Absolutely Fabulous on BBC America or The Dog Whisperer on National Geographic. I can enjoy the Tori & Dean's Inn Love on Oxygen and have movies at my disposal on 6 different Starz channels. I can pause live t.v. and use my DVR to record all those classic 90210 episodes that I've been missing on Soapnet. I am in heaven.
And this might mark the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Angie the agoraphobic. If you don't see me out in public within the next couple of days, send help. Or an intervention team.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Monday Morning Eye Candy
Clive Owen - Smoldering. Loved him in Children of Men (hated the movie). Loved him in The Bourne Identity (loved that movie). Loved him in Closer (hated the movie). Just love him.

Novak Djokovic - Not sure how to pronounce his name, but who cares. Oh my, this tennis star is HOT. And I love a good six pack.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Reading is FUNdamental...and maybe a giveaway?
At the end of summer, the library hosts a big party for all the participants. The kids get free books, coupons to local attractions and crafts galore. But most of all, they get a huge dose of fun!

The girls favorite part of the event are the free popsicles. Daddy helps Little A with her cherry popsicle.

Big A is a popsicle pro! She loves grape the best.

One of the crafts was making alien hats. The theme this year was "A Space Adventure". In this case, here's my Little A-lien.

And here's my Big A-lien.

The next fave thing at this event are the inflatables. The girls can't get enough of them. Big A has scaled this slide and is ready for her turn down.

Whee! Here comes Little A.
We all had a great time and headed for home with our bags of loot. We'll continue to read lots and lots of books until next summer where we'll dive into the library program again! Who doesn't love FREE STUFF? Speaking of which, I smell an end of summer giveaway brewing. Do you smell it? Stay tuned for an exciting announcement this week.