So after getting up REALLY early this morning, running to Hell Depot, and then coercing his best friend to help, the 2 of them spent 4+ hours under my house this morning, repairing the damage. It's so nice to have a handy hubby (with a best friend who worked for Hell Depot for many years and has knowledge of home repair).
Wanting to reward their efforts, I channeled my inner cooking diva and decided to make Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip cookies from scratch. Hubby loves chocolate chip cookies, so I knew this would be a winner! After carefully mixing the dough and spooning out my perfect round bulbs onto the cookie sheet, I placed them in my preheated oven and set the timer. And the next thing I knew, smoke was coming out of my oven and this is what I was awarded with.

So, I pitched the first batch into the garbage. Please ignore that ice cream store bag. I know nothing about how that got there.
I baked what was left of the dough on my second try and came out with 14 beautiful, perfect cookies.
And so, while the boys had to leave before the perfect cookies came out of the oven, I had to at least prove their existence. Because there are no guarantees that these cookies will be here when hubby gets home. I have 2 growing girls you know. Yeah, that's it.
Don't tell those who sell them, but I've never been a big fan of the stones...
But I am a big fan of chocolate chip cookies so I'll be right over.
It's amazing the difference a few minutes can make when you're cookin' cookies. :o)
Scary about your floor caving in but thank goodness for the handy hubby!
Look at all that stoneware. And I have never seen anything burn on them. I have forgotten pizza in my oven...and the top was really crispy...but never the bread part. How strange.
And cookies sound sooo wonderful. Especially since I am trying the carb free thing. They look downright wonderful. Even the burnt ones...
Oh, no! I hate it when the cookies get burned!
Wow -- freaky about the house! That would be about when I'd start calling my friends to see who knew a contractor who could get out there stat! No handy hubby for me!
And would you believe that I've never heard of stoneware for baking (other than my pizza stone of course!). I've only got my sil pats. Fortunately, your story isn't making me want to run right out and buy them! That second batch does look good!
I'm in the same club as handy hubby here. I'd be wringing my hands trying to figure out what to do...
Regarding your 2nd batch of cookies, I like your generous use of the chocolate chips!!
Glsd you got the floor fixed.....that'd be stressful.
I LOVE Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies - they are the BEST! I don't cook them on a stone either....I prefer a regular old cookie sheet. And I always take them out a minute or 2 before the bag says too...actually I think for my over its 8 minutes....they cook a little after they get out and I don't like them to get hard at all....
Thanks for stopping by.....
Oh man! Your oven is temperamental like mine, and my oven also hates the stoneware. I just don't have good luck with it, even for pizza. The bottom of things is never cooked right when I use that thing. Usually it's underdone, but occasionally it will burn something. So I've pretty much given up on it. I prefer a regular old cookie sheet with parchment paper over it, which virtually prevents burning the bottoms (and also makes 'em easy to remove from the pan).
And that is super scary about the house! Poor hubby!! It was very sweet of you to make cookies for them though!
ROFL - i'm right there with ya sister! I can't cook to save my life. At least Geeksauce understands that and knew BEFORE we were married or he'd look for a refund on the wife warranty.
I guess all Home Depots are the same. I worked at one for 2 years and it was absolutely horrible but I thought it was just the location.... I guess not!
Those cookies look so yummy!
I have burnt things on the stones too. I gave all mine away. I just wanted to be done with them, more trouble than they are worth.
ROFL! Don't fret - at least your dough ends up as cookies. My hubby is forever complaining at how few cookies end up appearing for every batch of cookie dough. It *may* have something to do with the fact that the kid and I prefer the dough to the actual cookies, but I can't be sure ;D
This post did NOT help my diet in any way. I'm off to the elliptical now. Yeesh, Angie. :)
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