It's Day 4 post-op and to put it mildly...I AM MISERABLE.
Speaking from the chair of someone who has had 3 major abdominal surgeries in less than 5 years, I can tell you that I hope you never have the opportunity to experience this kind of fun. It sucks. (Much like my attitude at this moment)
For those who don't know what's going on at the moment, let me bring you up to speed.
Saturday night, I was enjoying a lovely movie night with hubby as we were both enjoying some Blizzards from our neighborhood Dairy Queen. Within minutes of finishing my ice cream treat, I knew that something really bad was about to occur and I immediately ran for my bathroom. You see, this was not the first time that my gallbladder had attacked me. It was more like the 10th. In 5 years. And this whole time I thought it was really bad heartburn. So I ran for the Zantac and Tums, which not surprisingly, didn't help.
After an hour of pain & suffering, I drove myself to the ER, where they thankfully gave me a happy shot and ran lots of tests to determine that the pesky gumball sized stone in my gallbladder was the culprit and that I needed surgery. Hubby joined me at the hospital after calling in for reinforcements to watch the kiddos and I finally had the menacing organ removed around noon on Easter Sunday.
I'm sure that in another week when I'm not in serious pain and cursing the fact that there is no comfortable position for me to sit/stand/lie down in currently, I will be happy that I never have to worry about the pain that little organ caused me. Right now, all I can do is try to avoid the 4 incision sites and avoid the general public. Because I'm not in my normally happy place and that's not good for anyone. Just ask my family.
So as not to end on a downward spiral, I do want to thank those of you who have left get well comments, emails, texts and phone messages. I seriously do appreciate them! And hubby sends his many thanks to those of you who have brought meals by the house. You all are feeding us better than I do! Anyway, thanks very much!
Now, I'll go back to sulking and cursing to myself and promise that my next post will be back to the old me. Thanks for letting me vent.
natural shea butter is amazing!
clarissa at digitaldeacons dot com