Something along the lines of Porn. For women. The Cambridge Women's Pornography Collective has this lovely new book. It's called "Porn for Women."
And. For some reason. It has generated a lot of controversy. Feminists say that it champions the 1950's housewife. That it makes women take leaps backwards. That it's offensive. Degrading to women. And that it asserts women are not actually interested in sex.

I beg to differ.
Men are rather visual creatures. They are enticed by legs. By a pretty face. By large breasts. They usually need the visual to make the connection.
Women can be visual, too. We can be entranced by biceps. A pretty face. A large package Great eyebrows.
Really. Wouldn't these things really turn YOU on?

Who wouldn't love some "choreplay"?
I know I would...
Works for me!
this is cracking me UP! :)
great post!
Chore play. Oh, you're bad. So bad. This was hilarious. LOVED it.
I'd totally be turned on by a book like this.
Two Kats for the price of one today, yay!!
I love it! The naysayers need to forget buying the book and instead buy a sense of humor. Hello - it's meant to be funny.
You said "chore-play." I love it. But Kori's gonna die. HA!
I need this book. It would complete me.
great post.
i think this is a really cute idea. i might look into buying this for my mom for x-mas... it would be hilarious to see her face when she sees the cover. :o
LOL!!! That was such a great book!!!!
You're gonna wanna TM that sucker.
Oh never cease to crack me up!!
CRACKING UP! Can't even type. Seriously, cracking up!
Loved it! Just what I needed today!
Ooo, it's all good. Except when they don't do it right, and then you have to do it yourself anyway. Wait, what were we talking about again?
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