Our last day here was met with a lot of the same misery that befell us the day before. Hubby & I woke up feeling AWFUL, but I felt bad about the girls missing out on a full day of park fun already. I wanted to try and make their last day here fun. So, we headed for EPCOT to have lunch with some princesses.

My favorite thing about this park is the World Showcase. I love to travel and this gives anyone an opportunity to get a small glimpse of at least 10 foreign countries, all in one place. Very cool! We headed to Norway to the Akershaus restaurant for some traditional fare and glimpses of Disney royalty.

The girls were dressed in their princess costumes and tickled to meet Belle in her beautiful ball gown. Little A got the memo on the wardrobe apparently.

Jasmine came to our table first and the girls were captivated by her really long hair.

My favorite princess was the next stop. Here's Aurora, otherwise known as Sleeping Beauty.

Big A was dressed just like our next princess...Cinderella. Both girls squealed with delight.

The final princess in our lunchtime tour was Ariel. I was much more impressed with this version. And her dress was beautiful! Big A announced that she now wanted a dress just like this to add to her collection. Oh geez.

After lunch, we made our way through the rest of the countries, did a little shopping and then called it an early day. It had been a long week full of lots of excitement and many opportunities for memories that will last a lifetime. I'm already looking forward to our next trip there! December is a great time of year to go, but I think next time we'll stick with the week before Thanksgiving. The Christmas decorations are already up and the crowds seem to be a bit less then. Overall, despite the sickness that we endured, it was a great trip and I miss it already.
Bummer that you were still sick, but I'm impressed that you powered through! Interesting on the crowds... but I have a feeling that next year it won't matter, given the way the economy is going. I really wonder how many people will still be able to go.
Oh and may I just say that I want hair that shiny. Maybe I need to be a Disney princess ;)
Sorry you were so sick on your trip :o(
We never saw that Ariel- just the mermaid version.
And I am glad that you all had a such a fabulous time at Disney even with being sick. Are you already planning next year??
Well, I am all caught up on the Orlando adventure...Even with you guys being sick (which totally sucked!!), you guys really jammed packed in the activities. I'm glad the girls were able to meet so many characters; what fabulous memories they'll have of their trip!!!
I hope you and hubby recovered shortly after your return home!!!
Thanks for the adventure!
And late Merry Christmas back at ya, just found my text today before my phone died!
I loved reading about your trip (sorry about your illness though). I love Disney and am going on the cruise a week from today. Can't wait! I really want to try that Princess dining experience in Epcot but I've heard the food isn't all that great. What did you think?
Well, I am still SO sorry for all the illness, but the princess lunch is just adorable. The girls look like they (literally) had a ball, and it will be a precious memory!
I've got to catch up, Angie...
Your princesses are gorgeous. They're way more gorgeouser (Bill Cosby's word--that we use all the time) than those Disney gals.
Even though you had to eat Norwegian food, I'm glad y'all got to have this experience!
Love your pics and comments from Disney. Sorry to hear you got sick, but glad that you still found a way to enjoy it. I love that the girls wore their princess gowns! Ah-hem... where was yours????
Thanks for sharing your Disney trip! Personally, we love to go the first week of December. Crowds are really low then and the weather is almost always nice. :)
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