Friday, April 30, 2010
24 Hour Giveaway Announcement

Friday, April 23, 2010
It's time to come clean
And so I present you with Things I'm Embarrassed to Admit I Like.
Hoarders on A&E
16 and Pregnant
My incredibly ugly black Crocs
Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood
Robert Pattinson (in any role)
Pajama Jeans (however, I haven't ordered any yet)
Dog the Bounty Hunter
Smitty from Imagination Movers (for all the wrong reasons)
Judge Judy
Reruns of Beverly Hills 90210, Gilmore Girls, & worst of all The Golden Girls
Farmville on Facebook
The Millionaire Matchmaker
The Real Housewives of New York, the OC & New Jersey
Rap Music
The Girls Next Door
Perez Hilton
Ok, I feel better now. What are you embarrassed to admit liking?
I promise, no judgement here.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Meet the Queen
This new site is going to be my forum for honest product & service reviews and will also have a money saver/couponing component to it eventually.
I'm kicking things off with a giveaway over at my new site. If you are interested in a $25 Amazon.com shopping spree, head over to Queen of the Castle Reviews to find out how to enter. And thanks for helping me launch this new site!
Table Topics Tuesday: Shop til You Drop
This week's topic is:
if you could win unlimited shopping from one store,
which one would it be?
Well, if we consider online merchants as well, then it would be Amazon, hands down! I mean, what can't you buy on there?! And speaking of Amazon, I have very exciting news about a giveaway that is coming up within a week. The giftcard is already in my hands, I'm just waiting on the last few details to materialize. Yay!!
Back to our question. If we're talking about actual store fronts, then it would be Target, hands down! Again, you can get just about anything there and I big puffy heart that place.
So, where would you do your shopping spree? Click over to Shannon's to link up your entry!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Table Topics Tuesday: A Meal Fit for a Queen
This week, my best bud Shannon has a very appropriate topic for me:
if you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life,
what would it be?
I didn't have to think about this one too hard, which is a bit surprising because I have several favorites on my list. However, I also am a creature of habit and find myself eating the same things over and over again. So, here's my answer.
My beverage for the meal would be a steaming pot of PG Tips Black Tea. Lots of sugar, no cream. (anyone care to guess where this tea hails from? anyone? Bueller?)
The appetizer would be a lovely bowl of Baked Potato Soup from Panera Bread. I've had this kind of soup in many restaurants and no one else does it better, in my opinion.
The main course would be Baked Breaded Chicken, Au Gratin Potatoes, Cottage Cheese & Yeast Rolls.
The dessert would be Angel Food Cake with Mayfield Chocolate Marshmellow Ice Cream on the side.
Sorry, carb overload.
So, what would you meal consist of? If you would like to play along, head over to Shannon's to link up your entry!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Caffeine is the devil
My, how times have changed.
Now, apparently I need to worry considerably about how much iced tea I drink with dinner.
3 glasses of tea = Wired until 4am
Good news: I came up with a brilliant idea for the theme of my review blog and worked out 90% of the details for the designer.
Bad news: Spirit Airlines would charge me for the baggage I'm carrying under my eyes this morning.
Hope you day is full of far fewer yawns than mine!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Table Topics Tuesday: Dumb da-dum dumb
My best bud, Shannon, hosts this every week. The topic for today is "What's the dumbest argument that you've ever had?"
I had a really hard time with this one. Not because I think that all of my arguments have been merit worthy, but I guess because I've managed to let go of the really dumb ones. (either that or I've simply blocked them out due to sheer embarrassment) So let's see if I can come up with at least one. Oh yes, here we go.
The dumbest argument that I've ever had is one that I have no idea what it was about. However, it's my most memorable one because of what it cost me. It ruined a friendship that I had with someone whom I love dearly and ended up fracturing several other friendships as collateral damage.
While I'm sad that I missed out on many years of friendship and major life events with this friend, I'm so thankful that we've found each other again and it's as if we picked up right where we left off.
Maybe time does heal all wounds. One thing that I know for sure is that a true friend is someone who knows everything about you (good AND bad) and loves you anyway. While we certainly can't make up for lost time, we are definitely not missing out on any more time!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Birthday, My Baby
Four years ago today, you fluttered into my life with the grace of a butterfly.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
101 Goals in 1,001 Days
My blogging friend, Julia, recently posted a list based on a website called Day Zero. The idea of list making and goal setting isn't new, but I like the premise of this particular site. The object here is to come up with 101 goals that you plan to complete over the next 1,001 days. That's about 2.75 years, which for some of us, still isn't enough time to complete tasks, but we'll give it our best effort. I really feel like this is going to be plenty of time to tackle my list!
And because I want to chronicle this journey, you all will get to see my list and maybe even be inspired to create a list of your own! (And if you do, please let me know so I can mark #67 off my list. Thanks!)
I'm working on a blog redesign which will eventually incorporate this project into my front page, but until then, I'll be doing periodic posts to update my progress. Thanks for joining me on this journey!
Home Improvement Goals
1.Decorate my house
2.Clean desk
3. Keep desk organized for 3 months
4. Finish remodeling the kids bathroom
5. Change the living room paint colors & window treatments
6. Get a window treatment for the kitchen window
7. Create a manageable house cleaning schedule
8. Have fresh flowers on the kitchen table every week for a month
9. Decorate inside & out for Christmas
Hobby Goals
10.Enter a photography contest
11.Make a quilt
12.Read 100 books
13.Go to a book signing
14.Read all of the Harry Potter books
15.Join a book club
16. Learn to knit or crochet
17. Knit or crochet a blanket
18. Craft with friends at least once a month
19. Finish my Wreck This Journal
20. Learn how to use my sewing machine
21. Sew a dress for each of my children
22. Learn a new language
23.Finish the cross stitch piece I started for my wedding
24.Enroll in a pottery class
25.Print my blog in book form
26.Enroll in a cake decorating class
27.Take a photography class & learn to use my camera
28.Blog twice a week
29.Cross stitch the Rainbow Bridge poem
30.Finish a heritage scrapbook for my mom
31.Finish a heritage scrapbook for my dad
Health & Exercise Goals
32.Get a massage
33.Stop biting my fingernails
34.Take a cooking class
35.Start a skincare routine
36.Exercise 5 days a week for a month
37.Run a 5k
38.Treat myself to a massage after losing 30 lbs total
39.Treat myself to a massage after losing 60 lbs total
40.Enjoy a new wardrobe after meeting my weight loss goal
41.Donate all of my old clothes after meeting my weight loss goal
42.Get down to 120 lbs
43.Maintain my goal weight of 120 lbs for at least 3 months
44.Go on a horseback ride that involves galloping
45. Take my dog to the dog park once a week
46. Take my dog on a walk twice a week
47. Play in a disc golf tournament
48. Go 7 days without eating junk food snacks
49. Eat 5 things that I’ve never tried before
Outdoors Goals
50. Go camping
51. Grow an herb garden
52. Start a compost pile in the backyard
53. Landscape my front yard
54. Build a flower box & plants flowers in it
Personal Goals
55.Get a tattoo
56.Get a professional bra fitting
57.Get my passport
58. Volunteer at an animal shelter
59. Become a published author
60. Throw a dinner party
61. Watch Gone with the Wind
62. See Josh Groban in concert
63. Start a review blog
64. Take singing lessons
65. Move to a bigger house
66. Finish my will
67. Inspire someone else to make their own list
68. Learn to drive a stick shift
69.Go whale watching
70.Ride in a limo
71. Go to see 2 concerts
72. Volunteer in my community
73. Stay organized for 3 months
74. Watch a movie at a drive-in theater
75. Buy a pair of boots
76. Learn to wear/walk in heels
77. Buy a watch and actually wear it
78. Go to Disney World with my hubby & kids
79. Get the interview with my grandparents converted to DVD
80. Book a trip to London
81. Assist in growing our Kindermusik program by 100%
82. Apply to be on the Amazing Race
83.Play my own lottery numbers
84.Buy a ticket for a dream home giveaway
85.Sing karoke at a bar/club
86. Use my bread maker
87. Send my grandma a card once a week
88. Be debt free (except for the house)
89. Apply for membership with the D.A.R. (Daughters of the American Revolution)
90. Own a minivan
91. Dye a blue streak in my hair
92. Go 3 days without getting online
93. Go an entire day without watching tv
94. Have a professional photo shoot done of just me
95. Buy myself a Dooney & Bourke purse
96. Go on a horse drawn carriage ride with my family
97.Play miniature golf
98.Take dinner to a friend
99.Give a compliment to a complete stranger
100.Save all of my coin change for 3 months & deposit it into my girls' savings accounts
101.Write a new list of 101 things in 1001 days at the end of this project
And now a message from our author
No matter how many times I promised myself (and others) that I was going to post something "tomorrow", it just never happened. I've been busy with lots of things going on in my life and my kids lives as well as wasting a LOT of time playing stupid Farmville on Facebook. Facebook is wonderful and evil all at the same time.
Anyhow, I have a renewed resolve in getting back on track with my blogging and communication with my friends & family. And that project will be announced in my very next blog entry which should be posted here within the hour. Thanks for hanging in here with me y'all!
Happy Easter!