Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Morning Eye Candy

I haven't had this much fun putting together a Monday Morning Eye Candy entry, since the first one that I ever did. Today's entry has really special meaning to me because each of these hot guys is linked to a really special bloggy friend of mine. So, this week's eye candy is dedicated to my fellow mommy blabbers. Love you gals!
James McAvoy - Was that a "not again" I just heard back there? Hey, no special edition is complete with my man.
Jason Statham - Lula, this one's for you. Mwah!

Eric Bana - Shannon, my partner in crime, enjoy your Aussie.

Mike Rowe - Kori, this was the dirtiest pic I could find for you. Snicker, snicker.

Luke Perry - Lizzy, for my sista in 90210 daily rerun watching.

Liev Schreiber - And finally, for Kat. The master planner and friend.
And there you have it! I'm always taking requests gang, so don't be shy about asking for your eye candy. If you would rather send me an email with your request, you can do that from my profile page. And I'll see you here again next week!


Shannon said...

They all look so good! James and his dreamy eyes... Eric's buff arms and luscious lips... sexy Mike Rowe... Luke's lookin' good in the suit... Liev is a hottie. And remember what I said about Gerard Butler? Jason totally looks like he would be the same way! HA!

Best MMEC post yet!

Shannon said...

Yeah... I'm still here... enjoying the view!

Shelley said...

Let's see some Viggo M. or some Val K. Nice candy, BTW.

Kori said...

OMG is he in a full body wet suit?


He is the only man that can look good while being kneee deep in stinky sewage and while holding sheep testicles between his teeth. lol That was so for Lula.

I love my Mommy Blabbers. We so Rock!

Unknown said...

Luke can put his fingers in my glass ANYTIME he wants...

Thanks for the special babe!!!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

LOL at Lizzie. I now make it a total point to stick my finger in a cup. And now I am thinking of licking spoons before I hand them out.

And Liev. Sigh. He's all mine. Thanks for adding him to the group of hotties...

Jane In The Jungle said...

You know, I can close my eyes and hear Mike Rowe whisper in my ear, that voice...... Of course he's talking about the guys on "Deadliest Catch"!!
Thanks for being my FIRST follower!!
Next time you and Shannon are heading to Panera, can I tag along for a bloggy tutorial session?? LOL

Jane In The Jungle said...

Oh, one request Shemar Moore from "Criminal Minds", yes I'm a HUGE fan of that show, thank you DVR!!

Anonymous said...

I like Lula's man. He's pretty sexy.

Kori said...

Remind me to bring my own silverware next time when we go to Kat's house. lol

Brandy said...

Hawt as always!

Here's my vote...

Lula! said...

Woot-woot!!!! Jason love all up in here. Any man who can wear baby blue & ivory and still look unbelievably hot is the man for me. But like we already didn't know he's my boyfriend. Mine!

James...I've said it before, I'll say it again...that library scene in "Atonement" is hot. Best. Sex. Scene. Ever.

I love me some Eric Bana. I want the book "Whitney, My Love" to be made into a movie...and I want Eric Bana to play Clayton. Yeah, go read it.

I love Liev...he's an intellectual and super-talented. Both attractive traits.

And Lizzy needs to know this: I was ALWAYS Team Dylan. Never Team Brandon. Yep-yep.

Mike Rowe is hot, but the sheep testicles are not. The end.

Best MMEC ever, Angie!!!!

CrystalChick said...

My girlfriend luvs her some Mike Rowe.

I guess if I had a choice, it would be Joe Perry from Aerosmith. mmmmmm

CrystalChick said...

Oooh, I thought of another one. Dr. Robert Rey from Dr. 90210. Yummy!


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