Not one to let a little rain get me down, we headed south to Kittery, which is the home of some serious outlet mall shopping. It was also the place where I picked up the newest addition to my brand new 7qt Le Creuset French Oven. Behold it in all it's awesome-ness!

Another thing that I found on this trip, was pretty momentous. My friend Rhea blogged about bumper stickers last week and I commented to her that I had none on my vehicle. Well, I finally found one that I am deeming worth enough to adhere to my precious vehicle when I return home tomorrow. Check it out.
I came across this saying on a "Welcome to Maine" sign several years ago and it stuck with me. Now I can spread the news all over the South!
Tomorrow we are flying home, which is bittersweet. I love it up here so much, that I hate to leave, but I'm really missing hubby & the kids this time, so I'm kinda happy to head home. I hope you've enjoyed tagging along on my photo journey. Back to real life soon enough! Next week should be quite interesting. The girls start swim lessons on Monday. I have 1 word to describe my thoughts on that...yikes.
Wahoo!! Looks like a great time was had and you got lots of shopping done in spite of the rain! Is that the flame colored Le Creuset or the orange? It seems like there were two different orange colors, but I am not positive. It's beautiful either way and you're gonna love it!
I'm sorry about your whale watching expedition. That is on my list of things to do as well. And I love your new summer house ;-). the are invited to the party...just tagged ya!
Angela: It's definitely been a great time! And it is the flame colored LC. It was the "color of the month", which meant it was 20% off, which was music to my ears! Can't wait to use it when I get home.
Kat: So glad you love my summer home! I hope the current residents won't be miffed about moving out. Ha ha. And thanks for tagging me, but I'm going to need some help. What do I do now? This is something totally new for me. Yippee!!
Woot!! You sure had lots of fun. Sorry to hear that you couldn't do any whale watching - hopefully soon! That'd be so awesome!
Bummer about the whale watching, but way cool on the Le Creuset. I loooooove Le Creuset! And I bought most of mine while out of town on summer. And they shipped them all to me for free! Oops that probably doesn't help you, does it? I think it was some special promotion actually. But adding Le Creuset to your collection is always totally worth it!
Your vacation sounds lovely and really makes me jealous!
Sky: The vacation was AWESOME! Whale watching is definitely going to happen next time. I'm not giving up!
Michelle: Thanks! The vacation was really great and I'm admiring my new Le Creuset pot right now. I'm trying to decide what my inaugural dish is going to be in it. Decisions, decisions...
And Michelle, you've been tagged now! :-)
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