Starting Weight: 218.7 lbs
Last Week's Weight: 215.0 lbs
This Week's Weight: 213.8 lbs
+Gain/-Loss This Week: -1.2 lbs
+Gain/-Loss Overall: -4.9 lbs
I had a lot of really low point mood swings this past week. It pains me that I'm crying over food, but honestly, it's not really the lack of food that's so upsetting I guess. I'm having a really hard time dealing with the fact that I've gotten myself into this situation and it's my own fault that I'm now having to take such drastic measures to get where I need to be. The fact that it's so slow going is also very frustrating. I know that I didn't put all of this weight on overnight, but I'm so driven to get this weight off now, that it's just not coming off as fast as I would like. I'll accept it sooner or later...I just hope it's sooner.
This weekend was super tough because I went on a scrapbooking retreat where all of the meals were prepared for me and I had no idea ahead of time what would be served. Dinner Friday went fine and I sailed through breakfast & lunch yesterday, but that's when the ship started to sink. For dinner last night, every single thing served was loaded with carbs and definitely NOT on my approved food list. I could either suck it up and eat a little of the contraband or go hungry and this girl doesn't just go hungry. Within 20 minutes of eating the stuff, I had such horrible guilt that I nearly made myself vomit. Horrible. And then this morning, they served hash brown potato casserole and quiche, which are also 2 no-no's. I managed to scrape the crust off the quiche and pray that the small slice I ate wasn't too bad on my diet.
So, let's move on from my depressing rant. I'm now feeling more motivated to start exercising, which is great. Guilt can be a handy tool sometimes! My goal is to get in 4 workouts this week and to stick really close to my diet. I know that falling of the wagon this weekend isn't the end of the world, but I'm so paranoid about falling into those old habits. Thanks for the support!